Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Find Remote Online English Tutor For Children

Find Remote Online English Tutor For ChildrenThere are lots of English language tutors who say that they offer remote online English tutor for children in Venezuela. Is this something that you should be looking out for? Should you go and speak to them and ask what their services are like?Bolivar Mo has some very good reviews from parents and school administrators in his native town. He worked as an English tutor for kids in Venezuela and they said that he was able to use his skills to help them become fluent. He also helped those that were not so good in English.The school that Bolivar Mo is currently working for said that they will be using him again for future classes. He has had some feedback that he has provided, so far, that has been very positive. The school will be trying him out for a class with some older students. He has other things in mind that he would like to help with as well.With regards to the internet, Bolivar Mo says that he has the ability to connect with other st udents and talk to them through the web. He can also contact them in other ways, such as through email. He said that he uses the internet to 'shop', but that it does not get him a lot of time to practice writing and making up his own sentences. For one thing, he has some really good friends in Venezuela that he is able to visit and stay with for a few days.When he started, he was able to work from home, but said that he has now moved to another location to be able to work online. He said that he wants to still work part-time at his home, because he has a full-time job and works long hours. He findsit a lot more relaxing to work while sitting in front of his computer. He said that he has even had some clients that come to him, or do their study sessions from home.There are a few things that you should keep in mind when you go to speak to Bolivar Mo. First, when you first meet him, he said that he knows you are there to assess him, rather than to hire him. You do not have to take him at his word, because he does not. It is always better to take your time, and evaluate the way he does things, before you start signing contracts. You should check out some of his testimonials on websites such as eBay, to see what other people think about him.If you are going to sign up with someone online, you should have a chat with Bolivar Mo to find out if he is really who he says he is. You should also look into his credentials, such as the school where he works, and what kind of previous experience he has. You should also consider his prices, because it is important to understand what you are getting for your money. Do your research on the kinds of lessons he offers, and if he also has group classes, which may be cheaper.Take a close look at Bolivar Mo's pricing if you are unsure about how much he is charging. He should have an honest pricing sheet in place, so that you know what you are paying for. He should also tell you how many lessons you will be able to take. The last thi ng you should do is buy him dinner, because that may not be a good idea.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Scholarships For Chemistry Majors

Scholarships For Chemistry MajorsThere are many different types of scholarships for chemistry majors. It can be a lot of fun to apply for a particular scholarship, and if you are a chemistry major this can be easier said than done. The key is to know which type of scholarship that you qualify for.Scholarships for general majors are usually referred to as Scholarships for College. In addition to the financial aid that is offered to students, there are a number of other advantages that go along with receiving a scholarship for college. For example, you may be able to attend an off-campus school if you have outstanding grades, or if you are interested in a higher education but just do not have the money to pay for it. Additionally, many schools and colleges offer scholarship programs for their students who are interested in doing research in the lab.Scholarships for chemistry majors are a great way to get a college education. There are a few different ways to go about applying for a sch olarship. If you want to apply for a scholarship in person, you may want to contact your university or college.If you do not want to apply through your university or college, you will probably need to contact a financial aid counselor at the school or college. These counselors work with many different students and give them advice on how to qualify for financial aid and other help. Students who apply for a scholarship in person may be able to use a special appointment with a financial aid counselor to get their application processed.Another option for applying for a scholarship for chemistry majors is through the internet. You can find information on scholarships and other funding sources on the internet. You can get a better idea of how much money you will need to get a college education before you apply for a scholarship.One of the biggest advantages of a scholarship for chemistry majors is that you will be able to study for the course at your own pace. You will not have to finish a semester early or miss a class. This means that you will not have to pay extra money to finish your course.Scholarship for chemistry majors can be extremely beneficial. They are an excellent way to get a college education while earning a degree. Many students who are interested in a career in the laboratory are unable to take out loans or apply for financial aid because they do not have enough money to pay for it.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How Science Tutors Can Help Students

How Science Tutors Can Help StudentsAn organic chemistry tutor can be an invaluable resource for the student. A tutor will make sure that the student is ready to take the course and that they understand it. If a student wants to pursue an academic career, it is essential that the student not only study but also knows about the various steps of the procedure.In the recent past, there has been a large movement in the field of science by both the students and professionals who had worked hard to complete the course in personal computers. This was possible because of the introduction of personal computers in the schools. The technology has changed the way in which people study and this has made the field of education easy and convenient. If the student is an individual, a tutor is a great resource to help in the way of discovering about the various parts of the educational process.In the case of teaching point of view, the tutor can assist in the steps towards the preparation of the stud ent. The tutor may be someone who was involved in teaching or in any other area of science. The teacher will guide the student to make them understand the concepts of the subject. Since the student has to focus more on studying, the teacher will have to help them with regards to every step of the process.Nowadays, there are several resources available to the student so that they can seek the guidance of a science tutor. The science materials are available online. There are certain sections of the curriculum available on different websites that allow the student to learn about the subject. This provides the student with the help that they need so that they will feel safe about the subject.When talking about educational resources, it is necessary to mention that the science teachers also play a role. They are very keen in making the science interesting for the students. They try to encourage students to apply science in their daily lives. They make sure that the students understand ho w science makes them feel. A lot of important components of science are developed using materials that make the concept of science easier for the students.The science teachers in the schools can also provide the students with a number of resources that include videos, magazines, books, and online tutorials. These can help the students in a number of ways. It enables the students to make the most out of their own studies.The classroom activities include lessons on the element of oxygen and its relationship with nitrogen, water, and air. The videos and other materials can include videos on experimental procedures. With the help of these, students are able to find their way towards completing their studies and a science tutor is an invaluable resource for this purpose.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

20 Fun Activities and Games for French Club

20 Fun Activities and Games for French Club Brooke Neuman Are you a teacher or student involved in your school’s French club?  As you know, finding fun activities and games centered on learning French can be difficult. That’s why we’ve rounded up 20 fun French club ideas to help inspire you.  These games and activities will introduce members to both French language and culture. Note: These ideas and activities can be applied to any language club, such as Spanish, Italian, or German.   20 French Club Activities and Ideas 1. Make a French Music Playlist Using Spotify or Pandora, create your very own French club playlist. Have each student add 2-3 of their favorite French songs to the list. Listening to French music will familiarize students with both French culture and language. 2. Put on a French Bake Sale Set up a bake sale during a school event  in which students make and sell traditional French desserts, such as crème brûlée, soufflé au chocolat, and crêpe suzette. The proceeds will go toward funding other French club activities. 3. Host a French Movie Night Check  when your local theater is playing a French movie and attend as a group. If there aren’t any French movies on the schedule, look some up on Netflix. Check out this post for some age-appropriate French movie ideas: 12 Classic French Movies (and Movie Series) All Students Need to See 4. Visit a French Museum Check your local museum’s schedule to see when it is featuring a French-inspired exhibition and attend as a group. The admission for students is typically discounted or free. 5. Set Up a Scavenger Hunt Set up a fun scavenger hunt around the school or town. At each destination, students  will have to read a clue (in French) to move onto the next destination. At the end, reward your students with a yummy  treat. 6. French Arts and Crafts Have students make French-themed arts and crafts to give to their loved ones around the holidays. For example, they can make Paris-themed wrapping paper or ornaments. 7. Start a French Book Club At the start of every month, choose a French book that students will read and discuss. The book doesnt necessarily have to be written in French. For example, you can choose a book thats about French culture or history. 8. Celebrate French Holidays Celebrate French holidays, such as Bastille Day and Easter, throughout the year. Celebrate by making  fun crafts or taking part in holiday traditions. 9. Invite a Guest Speaker Invite a guest speaker to chat with the group about French culture, travel, or language. For example, invite a French translator, author, or artist to talk to the group about what’s it’s like to be in their profession. 10. Create a Monthly Newsletter Write up a monthly newsletter to be included in your school’s newspaper. In the newsletter, you can include updates on events you’re hosting, a “French Word of the Month,” or a series of inspirational French quotes. 11.  Teach Others French Volunteer at your local elderly home or elementary school. Encourage students to read to others in  French or put on a fun French skit. Students will  be practicing their  French while giving back to the community. 12. Host a Taste of France Dinner As a group, research traditional French recipes  and create an authentic dinner menu. Every student is responsible for cooking a different part of the meal and presenting it (in French) to the group. 13. Monthly Presentations Every month, choose a student who  will give a presentation on a region or city in France that he or she would like to someday visit. The presentation will include cultural and historical facts about  the region. 14.  Participate in National French Week Organized by the American Association of Teachers of French, National French Week celebrates all things French. Check out the American Association of Teachers of French website for some ways you can celebrate. 15. Attend a French Play Check your local playhouse to see if there’s a French play on the schedule. Les Misérables, for example, is a great historical French play students will love. 16. French Game Night Throw a French game night where you play traditional French games, such as Belote and Jeu de Tarot. You can also play games like bingo and scrabble. Just make sure that you’re using French words and numbers. 17. French Karaoke Have some fun and sing along to your favorite French songs.  Not only will you have a blast, but youll also be learning new French vocabulary words and phrases. 18. Subscribe to French Magazine or Newspaper As a group, choose a few online French magazines or newspaper to subscribe to. Once a month over lunch, the group  can discuss a few things  they  found  interesting. 19. French Cooking Lesson Check  if your  local French restaurant offers  cooking lessons or demonstrations on how certain dishes are prepared. This is a great opportunity for students to dive into the French culinary world. 20. Meet Up with Other Groups Are there other language clubs at your school? Get together once in awhile to  swap ideas for activities that you can do together. French club is a great way for students to meet new people and practice their  French language skills.  Spice up your meetings with some of these fun and educational French activities. Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Guest Podcast Using the French Subjunctive

Guest Podcast Using the French Subjunctive Sign up successful What is the French Subjunctive? The subjunctive is not a verb tense so much as a verb mood used by the French to express feelings,  uncertainty, or opinions. We use the subjunctive in English too, but you might not have noticed it. For example, when you say things like, If I were president or I wish you were here, youre using the subjunctive. How to Conjugate Regular Verbs in the French Subjunctive Like  other verb tenses, the subjunctive follows patterns for  regular -er, -ir, and -re verbs. To conjugate a regular verb in the subjunctive, take the present tense 3rd person plural form  of that verb, remove the ending and add on the following  endings instead: je ?  -e tu ?  -es il/elle/on  ?  -e nous ?  -ions vous ?  -iez ils/elles ?  -ent Many subjunctive forms for â€"er verbs are the same as for le present, which can  make it easier to use the subjunctive correctly.  If you’re wrong about whether a verb  should be subjunctive, people can interpret it as the present tense that would often likely take its place. Here are a few regular verbs conjugated in  le subjonctif: â€"er verbs: (e.g.  aimer) …que j’aime …que tu aimes …qu’il/elle/on aime …que nous aimions …que vous aimiez …qu’ils/elles aiment â€"ir verbs: (e.g. finir) …que je finisse …que tu finisses …qu’il/elle/on finisse …que nous finissions …que vous finissiez …qu’ils/elles finissent â€"re verbs: (rendre) …que je rende …que tu rendes …qu’il/elle/on rende …que nous rendions …que vous rendiez …qu’ils/elles rendent How to Conjugate Irregular Verbs in the French Subjunctive Irregular verbs have their own, irregular roots. Here are a few examples: aller ?  aill- avoir ?  ai- être ?  soi- faire ?  fass- venir ?  vienn- pouvoir ?  puiss- For être and avoir, when the “i” is doubled in the nous  and vous  forms, it turns into a “y, like this:  nous soyons, vous soyez,  nous ayons, and vous ayez. For some irregular verbs, you can still look at the 3rd person plural present tense to find the subjunctive root. For example: (infinitive  ?  3rd person plural present, root) connaître ? ils connaissent, connaiss- mettre ?  ils mettent, mett- Don’t count on this always being the case, however. If you’re not sure about a new irregular verb, you should  look up the root. How to Use the French Subjunctive In French, there are  a number of  phrases that trigger use of  the subjunctive. You will almost always use the subjunctive in dependent clauses that follow que or qui. Here are some common phrases that you will follow with a subjunctive verb: Je veux que (I want…) Je souhaite  que (I hope that…) On craint que (We fear that…) (It is feared that…) Je ne pense pas que (I dont think) For example: Je veux que tu viennes avec moi. (I want you to come with me.) How to Avoid Using the French Subjunctive If the subjunctive still makes your head spin, Caroline offers a few tips in her podcast that will help you avoid having to use it. Tip #1 Move the Negation In phrases like je pense que, you typically use the indicative, however if you say je ne pense pas que, you must follow it with the subjunctive. To avoid using the subjunctive, move the negation to the second part of your sentence. For example, je ne pense pas quil vienne, can be changed to je pense quil viendra pas, eliminating the need to use the subjunctive. Tip #2 Change Que to De Another way to get out of using the French subjunctive is to use de instead of que. You can follow de with the infinitive form of the verb, making this one of the easiest ways to avoid the subjunctive. One important thing to note about this method is that using de instead of que does slightly change the meaning of your sentence, making it more general. You can make up for this changed meaning  by adding another sentence. For example, instead of saying, il est important que tu manges des légumes, you can say, il est important de manger des légumes; tu devrais le faire. Tip #3 Use a Different Expression Certain expressions, like il est possible que, always take the subjunctive. However, in the case of this expression, there are similar variations that call for the indicative instead of the subjunctive. Instead of il est possible que, you can say il est probable que, or peut-être que. Both of those expressions use the indicative rather than the subjunctive. And there you have it. Now you know what the French subjunctive is, how to conjugate it, and how to use it. Plus you have some great tips to help you avoid having to use it if youd prefer not to. The best part is, if you follow Carolines advice, youll always sound like a native speaker. What do you think? Is the subjunctive a little simpler for you now? If you have any lingering questions, let us know in the comments below or ask a French tutor for help! Caroline is a passionate French teacher, host of the French Blabla podcast. Her mission is for you to speak like a native. You can find more episodes of her wonderful podcast on her blog. Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Learning Violin Alone

Learning Violin Alone Can You Learn the Violin without Taking Violin Lessons? ChaptersWhy Teach Yourself the Violin?The Different Ways to Teach Yourself ViolinLearning Violin: The Best Ways to Start Playing ViolinHow Long Does it Take to Learn Violin on Your Own?At What Age Can You Teach Yourself Violin?A lot of people want to learn the violin (or fiddle) but are scared to take their first steps. The instrument’s too expensive, they can’t take violin lessons near me, they’re too impatient, they can't find any violin teachers, there are plenty of reasons.However, if you’re passionate about learning to play the violin, anything is possible!“The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have” - Vince Lombardi.Never doubt your abilities and go for it! Even beginners have to start somewhere.Learning an instrument on your own isn’t an impossible a task, even an instrument as complicated as the violin can be learnt without a violin teacher. Holding the bow, positioning your fingers on a violin string, adopting the right posture... these are all t hings you can learn.So how can you do it?How long does it take?Here’s our best advice.Meludia, allow you to learn music theory in a more interesting way while others can help you learn to play the violin.Learning the Violin with BooksIf technology isn’t your forte, there are plenty of printed resources that can help you. There are plenty of books and manuals on certain aspects of playing the violin like:holding the violin bow and bowing techniquesfinger placement on the fingerboardtraining exercises and violin scalesworking on your memory and broadening your repertoiremaintenance like tuning and replacing violin stringsreading sheet music and notesimproving your rhythmperforming intermediate and advanced techniques like vibrato and pizzicatoAlmost everything you need to know about violin playing can be learnt from popular books sold in stores.There are some books that might even be putting violin teachers out of work.  There’s a wide range of materials for every level, too! To mViolin Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors StacyViolin Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValtieViolin Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors BenedictViolin Teacher 5.00 (8) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TaisiiaViolin Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AmyViolin Teacher 5.00 (1) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LuísViolin Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MomokoViolin Teacher £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsLearning Violin: The Best Ways to Start Playing ViolinBefore you pick up your violin, there’s a few steps you should take to make sure you’re starting on the right foot. Here are a few of them:Firstly, you should practise as often as you can. Sometimes we want to be able to play a piece perfectly immediately. Practising is the only way you’re going to get there. There’s no magic fix. Any violinist will tell you that.Set yourself objectives! Setting yourself clear objectives will help keep you motivated. This is what apps often do to encourage you to keep playing (and using the app). Everyone loves a challenge. However, make sure that your objectives are achievable so that you don’t get discouraged.Be patient! You can’t deny that the violin is a complex instrument. Don’t give up the second you encounter difficulties. You’re bound to hit the odd speed bump. You need to know how to get past them.Put together a programme that suits you. Organising your learning is a good idea for knowing where to go and how to make steady progression.Organisation will really help you learn the violin quickly. (Source: pixabay.com)To get even more advice, you should consider visiting blogs and forums for violinists. There are plenty of musicians out there who are happy to help you become a virtuoso. However, remember that learning on your own can have disadvantages, too. There’s no music teacher a vailable to correct you when you’re doing things wrong (like having the wrong posture or holding the bow incorrectly).How Long Does it Take to Learn Violin on Your Own?It can be difficult to give an exact figure for learning the violin. Learning the violin without music theory or violin lessons near me means every budding violinist can go at their own pace. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage.Those who are taking classes have the pace set for them and they can’t change it. Their practice and training is therefore regular. They’ll advance a bit every week.When you learn an instrument on your own, finding a rhythm can be tricky.  It depends on your motivation and when you’re available.Children often learn more quickly than adults. However, they do need clear goals and objectives. (Source: skitterphoto.com)This can also vary with age. Younger musicians are generally better at assimilating new concepts whether they’re learning to play a musical instrument or speak ing a foreign language.  Furthermore, adults find it harder to find the time to practice an instrument on a weekly basis.Some violinists have chosen to film their progress over a couple of years. You can find their videos on YouTube and use them as a guide for how quickly you should be going.At What Age Can You Teach Yourself Violin?While children tend to learn more easily than adults, there’s no age limit when it comes to learning to play the violin.  An adult can more easily change their rhythm while a child will need to be set milestones and goals.Generally speaking, children under 12 will find it difficult to learn the violin on their own. It’s also easier to correct the bad habits picked up by children.You could therefore say that the ideal age to start learning the violin on your own is around 13. You just have to be motivated, autonomous, and follow your own lessons while paying particular attention to your technique and good violin practices.You should also find out more about online violin lessons or studying to play the violin with a teacher.

Studying an Art Degree

Studying an Art Degree The Best Education for Becoming an Artist ChaptersArt Schools in the UKRoyal College of ArtUniversity of the Arts LondonThe Glasgow School of ArtUniversity of OxfordUniversity College London (UCL)University of BrightonThe University of EdinburghNewcastle UniversityThe University of SheffieldUniversity for the Creative Arts“An artist must be a reactionary. He has to stand out against the tenor of the age and not go flopping along.” - Andre MauroisThere are plenty of places all over the UK where you can get formal art training.What better way for students to start their career in art than through education?In this article, we're going to have a look at the best places to study art once you've finished studying art at school.Communication and graphic designCreative computingCuration and cultureFashion businessFashion communicationFashion designFashion making and pattern cuttingFashion styling and make upFine artIllustrationJournalism, PR, media and publishingLanguagesPerformance and design for theatre and screenPhotographyT extiles and materialsThat's a pretty good selection, right?Find out more about other art qualifications.The Glasgow School of ArtThe Glasgow School of Art was founded back in 1845 and focused on design in the manufacturing industries. Over time, the school evolved and shifted its focus towards fine art and architecture towards the late 19th century and now embraces digital technologies.In terms of undergraduate degrees, courses include 3D modelling, interior design, architecture, printing and printmaking, product design, communication design, product design engineering, sculpture and environmental art, fashion design, silversmithing and jewellery, fine art photography, games and virtual reality, textile design, and interaction design!They also offer a broad choice of graduate degrees and doctorates for those continuing their studies after their undergraduate degree!University of OxfordOxford's reputation probably precedes it as it's difficult to talk about universities in the UK wit hout mentioning it or Cambridge. However, it's bitter rival doesn't actually feature in the top 20 universities in the UK for art and design. Oxford, along with Cambridge, however, is a member of the Russell Group, universities that focus on research and have a reputation for great academic achievement. Unsurprisingly, a number of the universities in this article are also members of the Russell Group.Oxford is widely considered one of the best universities in the world and it's the same for art. (Source: MichaelDBeckwith)University of ManchesterUniversity of NottinghamQueen Mary, University of LondonQueen's University BelfastUniversity of SouthamptonUniversity of WarwickUniversity of YorkThese universities have a reputation for academic excellence and having attended one will always look good on your CV.Your art education doesn't stop once your classes are over, either. You can learn more about art with private tutorials from one of the many talented tutors on Superprof!There are th ree main types of tutorials available: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials, and each comes with its pros and cons in terms of learning and cost-effectiveness.Face-to-face tutorials are taught with one student and one tutor and they tend to be the most cost-effective type since every minute in the lesson is spent focusing on you as the student.Online tutorials are similar to the face-to-face tutorials but take place either on a call or via webcam. Online tutorials are usually cheaper than face-to-face tutorials since the tutor doesn't have as many expenses to worry about.Finally, group tutorials are classes with one teacher or tutor and multiple students. These tend to be the cheapest per student per hour since the cost of the tutor's time is shared amongst all the students in attendance. The bigger the class, the cheaper it'll tend to be per student.

Prepare for SAT Test Online in 3 Easy Steps

Prepare for SAT Test Online in 3 Easy Steps 0SHARESShare It is easy to take a SAT test but students often find it difficult to do SAT preparation online. There are various reasons to this such as unawareness about online tutoring facility and time required for other activities. Let us note the following 3 easy steps to prepare for SAT test / other competitive exams such as ACT test: Identify  your objective to go to college First things first, why do you want to go to college? The reasons are many; well pick those that matter to you the most. Then try and relate these reasons to your perception about the SAT test and you will see that your mind expands to maintain a positive balance between ‘what is required’? And ‘what is done?’ Identify your training essentials   You need training to appear for SAT test, hence focus on your training essentials. Stick to the plan as long as value is being added to your candidature. If you diverge from the path it is not going to work. Identify your existing priorities Be sure about what you want to achieve in the current week, current months and current year. Start small and build on that. By thinking about small goals and achieving will increase your confidence. Once the confidence is developed appearing for the test becomes easier than you think. [starbox id=admin]

Act Test Dates Tips For Middle High School Preparation

Act Test Dates Tips For Middle High School Preparation 0SHARESShare Middle school or High school involves a period of transition for the teens. Here are a few tips for preparing for back to middle or high school Stay positive. Get organized with the accessories needed. Have good food to pump in energy and vitality to face the new environment For the Middle School Make familiar with the locker system and take care of the keys- you get two lockers from now on The parents can accompany their children to find their way in the school on the first day It is good to review the student handbook to fall in line with the new set up Be prepared to adapt yourselves to six classes a day , more homework and different teachers Have a revision of Math and Science to get used to the new course ware without trouble. This is especially useful while doing Math Level 1 or Math Level 2. Act Test Dates: For High School Take care of the ACT Test Dates at the outset of high school to get enough time for ACT prep Map out your workload and plan accordingly Make new friends, don’t give up the old and manage peer pressure Join sports teams and decide about it at an early stage Discuss with your friends how to study for The ACT You can utilize the services of Tutor pace. Com to do your homework in Middle school or High school courses with success. [starbox id=admin]